Friday 30 December 2016

WWE 205 Live 27/12/2016

Cedric Alexander vs Tony Nese
Feels like another Alexander match being cut short to fit with their Alicia Fox storyline, but what they did fit in was fun. Think Nese may find himself in a difficult position, now they’ve given Neville a similar “bearded heel who is an incredible athlete with a muscular physique” gimmick, but I liked him here. Had a nice flashy combo of moves to down Cedric, but then slowed the match down on the mat so as to not overshadow the face. Alexander took a big bump to the floor when Nese shoves him from the top rope, and I dug his springboard clothesline. End was goofy, but fun, with Gulak claiming from the floor that Fox hit him, resulting in her getting sent to the back and Nese using the distraction to thwack Alexander with a palm strike for the win. Bonus points for Gulak looking like an utter boss in his suit.

Mustafa Ali vs John Yurnet
Glad to see them seemingly turning Ali face, saw him working that way in an AAW match, and he’s very likable. Plus you have to feel that the WWE couldn’t pull off the subtleties of an “You only boo me because of my heritage” gimmick. Since this match, it’s emerged Yurnet was probably injured going into this, and he seems to be limping right from the get go. Liked Aries trying to suggest he was just playing possum. Match is really brief due to the injury, with Ali hitting a reverse DDT and a sweet imploding 450 to win.

Neville vs Rich Swann

Neville continues his good work from last week, though he was noticeably a bit flashier this week than previously. I liked the fact he was able to keep up with Swann’s initial quickness, because Neville is still a superb athlete, but once in control he is much more deliberate. Loved him hurling Swann into the ring apron, with a nasty bump by Swann to boot. In the ring, Neville drives his elbow into Swann’s head in a nasty manner. I thought Neville was really good here at working his flashier offence into his character, hitting a standing shooting star to Swann’s back, which was a focal point of a lot of his offence. Swann is able to get more offense than in the previous week’s tag match, hitting a sweet looking Phoenix Splash to a standing Neville on the floor. I loved a lot of the touches in this, like Neville throwing Swann to the outside, giving him a beat to regain his bearings and nail an enzuigiri as soon as Swann was back on the apron, as well as Swann selling his beating with a slow walk across the ring, giving Neville time to attack. In the end, the cumulative beating from Neville slows Swann down too much, as he spends ages getting to the top rope, and Neville catches him with a superplex to win the match. Really enjoyed this, Neville has become a treat to watch.

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