Sunday 7 January 2018

World Class Championship Wrestling 27/11/1982

Kerry von Erich vs Frank Dusek
Fun short bout, with both guys working the other’s leg. Kerry is just coming back from a knee injury, so it makes sense from Dusek, and it feels like Kerry is just doing it to inflict his agony on other people. Loved his high leap on elbow drops to the leg. Discus punch gets the win.

Bugsy McGraw vs Bill Irwin
When he’s not coupled with Checkmate, McGraw is a far less interesting wrestler to watch. They do some initial comedy before things kind of heat up. Neither is a particularly interesting offensive wrestler, with Irwin having surprisingly light kicks. They end up fighting on the apron and the match ends with a double countout. Not much fun.

Al Madril vs Killer Tim Brooks
This was pretty fun. Madril seems pretty vanilla, if competent, but facing someone like Brooks gives him a bit more to work with. Loved Brooks’ little tricks, at one point he escapes a headscissors by getting to the ropes, but he then keeps hold of Madril’s ankle to give him an opening to attack from the defensive. Nice kneebreaker, before Brooks sends Madril to the floor and wont let him back in. This seems to fire up Madril, as he angrily gets involved in a punch exchange that he ends up winning. The time limit goes for a draw, a disappointing ending to a decent match.

David von Erich vs the Great Kabuki

This is a revenge match, as Kabuki had taken Kerry out of action with his kneebreaker, so David is nicely fired up here. Loved the contrast of his elegant looking flying headscissors that he takes down into a furious punch exchange. Von Erich gets a stomach claw, but gets caught with a nice thrust kick. Loved the part where David feigned grogginess, then took advantage to lock on another stomach claw. There’s an incredible visual, with Kabuki’s pain wracked face, green mist pouring from his mouth, looking like acid was melting his insides. This is pretty good fun, so it’s a shame that Magic Dragon comes in to draw the DQ. This was neat while it lasted.

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