Monday 4 December 2017

C.R.A.B. Wrestling 08/09/2017

So, this is a random show I decided to watch on, thought it looked quite interesting. The name stands for Championship Rasslin' And Beyond and the poster featured a post-WWE Simon Grimm, so it felt like something I'd like to see. Grimm is very much NOT involved in this show, but it's still plenty good...

Sonjay Dutt vs Isaiah Frazier
Nicely worked veteran vs rookie match, thought Frazier looked like a real prospect. They worked the opening section quite evenly, before Dutt starts to take control. Nice full-bodied senton by Sonjay. Frazier moves well, and takes a fun big bump on the top of his head as Sonjay kicks his legs out. Dutt does a bit of leg work and is generally presented as being one step ahead of Frazier, but it’s Frazier who wins with the worst looking move of the match, a weak looking full Nelson facebuster. Aside from that, this was fun.

The Bang Brothers vs The Rulers of Wrestling
The Bang Brothers are two lean guys in purple trousers and tye-dye tops called Sloppy Joe and Dirty Banger, so I hate them straight away. The RoW are apparently new, and the commentary team don’t seem to know their individual names. Sloppy Joe almost blows a sunset flip early on, just to add to his negative first impression. The RoW seem pretty good though, working some nice double-teams and one of them hit a really great looking powerslam. The heat is mainly worked on Joe and, when the hot tag is made, it’s abruptly cut off by a spinebuster and the RoW finish with a suplex/crossbody combo.

Gauntlet Match for the CRAB Southern Maryland Championship
This is a gauntlet seemingly fought under Royal Rumble rules, with new entrants entering every 2 minutes and eliminations taking place via pinfall or submission. There’s a lot of guys in here that I’ve never seen before, and with no entrance graphics, I’m forced to rely on the ring announcer and commentary team to get names, which weren’t always clear. As a match, this was fine, moved pretty quickly and the low points were briskly skipped past. One entrant is called Zany the Clown, a positively wretched looking creature and I was delighted when a large lad Big Country pinned him right away with a pop up Samoan Drop. The interestingly named Adam Chandler The Great was the most impressive looking entrant, a big powerful looking guy who hits a really impressive looking Northern Lights suplex on a big fat guy. Low point came in the form of Arnesto the Night Owl, who performs an awful dive to the floor and ends up having to be saved from crashing and burning by the Rulers of Wrestling as he overshoots on a top rope crossbody. The first two entrants, Brian Johnson and J George, end up as the final two, and it’s Johnson who ends up getting the title.

Donnie Dollars, Ivan Ali & Obsidian vs JSin & Money Greene
This is for the CRAB tag titles, being defended by the three-man heel team in a handicap match. Dollars is the real standout of the match, a big, husky looking guy with nice movement, some big moves who also makes the opponents offense look the most impressive. Loved his big sitout pumphandle slam. In contrast, I was least impressed with Greene, who threw some milky looking forearms, did some terrible overacting and in one awful bit, made a huge leaping dive to his corner for a tag when he could clearly see no-one was there (JSin having been knocked off the apron). Dollars commits fully to missing a big 2nd rope legdrop leading to the hot tag. JSIn seems like a decent big man, making it more impressive when Dollars catches a cross body for a swinging slam. There seems to be some tension between Obsidian and Dollars towards the end, and it’s no surprise that they fully fall out after Obsidian eats the pinfall, taking a double-team powerbomb from the faces to give them the titles.

Isaiah Frazier vs Mack Buckler

This is for the CRAB heavyweight title, in a match Frazier qualified for in his victory over Sonjay. This match isn’t as good, mainly because Buckler isn’t as impressive as Sonjay. He just felt like a guy who was “there”, nothing really memorable about him or his performance. Frazier looked good though, taking some nasty looking bumps. He takes a painful looking landing on a twisting dive to the floor and eats a big powerbomb onto the ring apron. Buckler gets the victory with a sitout powerbomb before turning heel, but it’s Isaiah who stands out here.

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