Monday 28 March 2016

JCW Slam TV Episode 3

Trent Acid vs NOSAWA
Acid does a great job riling up the crowd, taking his sweet time getting to the ring, blessing the crowd with holy water from the apron (a crowd who must have loved that ICP song where they sang about how their entire was for God), stalls some more, has a pray in the corner…then tells the crowd that God has told him not to wrestle. Amazing work by Acid, who walks to the back, leaving ICP to find a replacement…

NOSAWA vs CJ O’Doyle
I remember the name of O’Doyle from the early 00’s, but I never saw him wrestle. He’s got an amazingly generic look, with a shit orange mask on and some black shorts with the Irish flag on. The ICP clearly think he’s hilarious as they talk about his ludicrous mask and massive feet all match. He hits a lovely overhead belly-to-belly following a sneak attack, but the rest of his performance is him selling for NOSAWA, and his selling is endearingly goofy. NOSAWA blitzes him with kicks, nails a standing Shining Wizard followed by a Michinoku Driver for 3

Man Man Pondo vs Corporal Robinson

This is for Robinson’s JCW title, and has Pondo accompanied by Necro Butcher. Robinson has brought a barbed-wire baseball bat, which gets used throughout. Robinson nails a superkick, which is the last non-weapons move in the match. The rest of the bout is quite entertaining, in a hardcore nonsense way. Robinson hitting a running knee in the corner to drive the bat into Pondo’s face looked good, as did his bulldog of Necro onto the barbed-wire bat. Pondo’s offensive run isn’t quite so good, as Corp basically lands on him during a piledriver through the table, though I loved Pondo just hurling a bin right at Robinson. Corp hits a 2nd rope powerbomb and Boot Camp, both onto Pondo’s trademark stopsign, for 3. Not going to blow away anyone who’s seen these guys before, but as a “greatest hits” for the two of them, it was fun.

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